Are Presets A Dum-Dum Purchase?

Friend, let us be honest here.

Have you ever thought to yourself at some point: are presets a dum-dum purchase?

Something along the lines of, they don’t even look good right away and it’s just a couple of sliders and buttons pushed and like I paid money for this!! I’m so dumb.

And I’m here to tell you, you are not dumb!

You just don’t know the best way to use presets yet.

So here I am, sharing with you my top tips for using presets and why I NEVER hesitate to buy and add new presets to my arsenal.

Let me try to explain…

Presets are like the ‘skip to recipe’ button on a food blog, and then hitting the fast track right to devouring a delicious finished meal thanks to that recipe.

Are there small things that you would change or adjust while cooking?

I definitely do, as taste is a personal preference!

And still, there’s no denying that the recipe got you most of the way there.

Ever photo is different, cameras are different, light is different, situations are different,  y o u  are different!

So here are a few adjustments that I would immediately make in Lightroom after applying one of my presets…

White Balance

White Balance is super specific to every photo, every light situation, every setting, every camera… It’s what tells our camera what ‘white’ should look like because it can look more blue, green, red, yellow, depending on the lighting.

Try setting your white balance to AUTO in lightroom, and then see if the chosen preset is a good fit for your photo.


Some of my presets apply an exposure adjustment to your photo, assuming that the photo is correctly exposed to begin with.

Depending on how your photos was exposed you’ll need to manually adjust the exposure slider to a point of your liking.

These are just a couple of smoke ways that I make presets work for all of my photos. Do you feel less dumb now?

Now that you know how to use presets CORRECTLY, why not try it out?

Get my preset packs and give it a try! You can do it.

And here’s a special discount, just for you!

Use BLOGEDIT at checkout and start upleveling your photos with just a few clicks!


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